Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Feb 15th

So, I'm sitting here in my bedroom craving like chocolate or something.... or sex... haha but yeah seriously  I'm trying to eat all healthy and crap and it sucks big time.... I have these amazing Golden Graham bar things in the closet gazing at me as if to say "Eat me, beottch" But I refuse.... I am not only having food cravings, I suddenly have cravings to watch Married With Children... I love Katey Sagal- or however you spell her name, obviously I don't love her enough to know how to spell her name, but I do like her.... I'm addicted to facebook.... seriously Who isn't? I'm on it constantly and need to stop, it's an unhealthy obsession.... So are those golden graham bars... mmmmmm lol So I really need to do laundry, and stuff but I'm so lazy... seriously it's gross how lazy I am.... I moved over to the bed while typing this and am not laying down.... I wonder if anyone will actually read this? Maybe I'll be the next big thing! Or maybe I'll just have like 3 people a week who accidentally stumble upon my page.... and hate it...haha I can't decide whether this is something I want to do daily, weekly, etc... My phone is broken and it is really pissing me off- like the screen is like Rihanna black and blue after Chris Brown it's all messed up..... I'm thinking maybe I should do a "rant" everyday about certain things... or maybe not.... Gahhhhh I want those golden amazing delicious grahams... oh well, I'm a cow and too fat... blahhh my friend Taurean just texted me.... his company Republic Airlines cut a crapload of pilots, so he's now jobless.... :/ poor guy although I'm jobless too.... He may come visit me, which is pretty cool, we haven't seen each other for a little while..... But yeah I've been thinking how much fun it would be to work at starbucks! I think I'll apply there! PLUS free quad shot 1 splenda upside down extra hot nonfat caramel macchiattos up the wazoo! I'll take it! Well, I think this is enough for now.... Be back laterrrrr

1 comment:

  1. I think you should keep this going. It gives me something to look forward to reading. Since I cannot see you every day I can sure read about your life. -Rob
